Finding the ReadAhead Sweetspot on an EBS Volume

Setting readahead (RA from now on) appropriately is a contentious subject. There are a lot of variables involved, but in my particular case I am setting out to minimize those variables, get a baseline, and have a reasonable idea of what to expect out of this configuration: Environment: Amazon EC2 Instance Size: m3.xlarge (4 vCPU, 15GiB RAM) Disk Config: Single EBS Volume, 1000 PIOPS The testing I am going to be doing is pretty detailed, and intended for use in a future whitepaper, so I wanted to get some prep done and figure out exactly what I was dealing with here before I moved forward.

MongoDB Melbourne and Sydney

I recently presented at MongoDB Melbourne and MongoDB Sydney and the slides have now been made available on the 10gen website: These were not recorded, but at least the slides are now up for reference, which several people had asked about. The Amazon whitepaper should be updated shortly too, but still contains good information for reference purposes, even if it is lacking some of the newer features/options. Interestingly, my Sydney presentation coincided on the same day as the announcement of the availability of a Sydney EC2 instance – nice timing Share this: <div class="sd-content"> <ul> <li class="share-facebook"> <a rel="nofollow" data-shared="sharing-facebook-1188" class="share-facebook sd-button share-icon no-text" href="https://comerford.